This will be a very brief blog today but I would like to mention ESP. I'm going to give just a quick example how this effects me. I have alot of activity but this one has moved me beyond words. About two weeks ago I kept getting these flashes in my "minds eye" of a girls face with long blond hair. This sounds normal yes, but what I seen was disturbing. The look of horror and distress in her eyes as well as her beautiful blond hair flying wildly as if she was being toss and turned uncontrollably. Now the real scary part was I only seen these images when I was driving and had my two girls with me. Was this a sign that I was going to be in an accident? I took every precaution I could. I drove slow, was really aware of other drivers and did the best I could to avoid any trouble. Just a week ago a dear friend of mine lost his daughter in a horrific car accident.....and she was a young teenager with long blond hair! Now this also plays into the whole thing; her aunt, my best friend died a couple of years ago. So was this her way of letting me know what was coming because she and I have communicated since her passing? I had no clue if this had to do with this young lady because I didn't know her personally. I had no idea these images were of her and what was to come but I do now. When I read the description of the accident and how her car became air born twice and rolled and twisted I was sickened. I'm always asking myself "why me" but I know I won't know until my time comes and goes. Please comment with your ESP experiences if you have any.
Thanks for reading and God Speed.....
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