Thursday, December 8, 2011

Urban Legends

I've lived in Southwest Lower Michigan my entire life and I really thought I heard it all when it came to my community.  Well I was wrong!  Just today I heard of a legend that took me by surprise since it's literally in my back yard.

Now I should be more specific and blog the details about this legend but I don't think I can do it the justice it deserves.  I would rather you go to the link provided and read it there then me trying to tell you about it getting the facts/story misconstrued.  But I will tell you that it's rather interesting.  The people are called the "Melon Heads".  A breed of people that had escaped a mental hospital...or was it the hospital closed and the people were let go (see, this is why I want you to read it from the source).  Any way, they were mentally challenged people who are now on the loose and live in a tunnel in Southwest Lower Michigan.

Not a very pleasant picture but this is what the legend is about.  Legends; there is so much history behind them.  Some of them are WAY out there and others actually have some validity to them.  I actually like the stories and folklore out there.  Its a way of helping produce fear and excitement but also aids as a tutorial for paranormal searches. 

I am interested in your legend stories if you have one.  Please share them on my blog so others (and myself) can learn about them and enjoy the stories.  This also helps spark investigations.  Sometimes truths about these legends are verified.....

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Looking Back At The Haunted Places I've Been

Looking back at all the places me and my team have investigated these last couple of years has been pretty outstanding.  There haven't been what I would consider alot but plenty.  Mostly because we have visited a few places more than once but well worth it. 

The most memorable investigation (s) would have to be Waverly Hills Sanatorium in Louisville Ky.  Today this place is to be known as one of if not the most haunted place in America.  We have be there four times thus far and will possibly go back in 2012.  Each time we had been there has been such a different experience.  We've captured everything from sounds, sightings, touches, etc.  Everything from visual to audio to physical.  It's such an incredible place to do an investigation.  Being able to be allowed to inhabit the place for eight full hours at your own will (within reason and under their rules) is quite awesome.  There are guide lines to follow but other than that you are free to do your own thing.

I personally have been touched, had a back pack tugged on that I was wearing, heard voices, doors slamming and even the sound of someone wearing boots on a hard floor walking in front of me.  Keep in mind the one rule is to wear soft sole shoes so we don't have that problem.  The other thing I've experienced in Waverly is seeing a full apparition of a child.  We had set out some toys on a chair and told Timmy (this is the boys name) to come and play with them and when I turned around there he was peeking out of one of the door ways.  Theres nothing like experiencing something like that.  I can still picture it plain as day right now. 

The other places we've been to are a local church which we've been in twice and a close friends old farm house three times.  I've had people ask how can a church be haunted?  I wouldn't say it's haunted but more like those that were so involved with the church they are still there.  I have come across the sound of a little girls voice in the preschool room and the sound of a musical instrument in the music room.  So it's the little things like that which make an investigation.

The other very interesting place was our friends farm house.  This place gave us more than we bargained for.  We had done our homework with the history of the house and it's many owners, talked to people and visited the local graveyards.  The history of this house is phenomenal to say the least.  We found out there was a little girl held captive in one of the upper rooms because of a possible disability back in the 1800's and she was still trapped there because she passed there, possibly in a fire.  We had also dealt with something that was not very kind.  I don't know if I would dub it demonic but not a typical spirit.  There were things that made a couple of the people in our group sick and quite uneasy.  We heard things on our recorder that made us believe it was something evil as well.  We even had two people out of our group that was litterly scared out of the house. 

To say the least we have learned quite a lot and plan on so many more investigations in 2012.  And if you have any stories to share or questions please feel free to ask.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Dealing With Your Spirits

One thing I've noticed is the activity in my house has increased lately.  Being an investigator the hardest thing is not knowing why something is happening; especially when it's in your own house.  For the past 3-4 years I've noticed an increased amount of activity in my home.  It is nothing evil or spiteful, just enough of "things" happening that I know "something" is there.  Sounds, noises, touches, it's all there.  Who are they are where are they coming from?  Why is it so hard to investigate your own home?  Well, it could be something as simple as a loved one that has passed (which my grandmother just did), a spiritual connection with anyone that has passed that we are totally unaware of or even someone/something that we may have been "tagged" with in either an outside investigation or just from being in a spot where "something" was looking for an attachment. 

There is so much unknown out there that makes investigating not only more stressful but more intriguing.  This for me if the drive; to find out who, what, where and why...and sometimes how.  Who: Who is it we think is there or who are we looking for.  What: What is it if we think it's not human?  Are we dealing with something that is not a passed spirit but something more?  Where: Where are they after they pass?  Is there something between Earth and our final resting place?  Why: Why are they still here with us?  How:  The Biggest Question.  How are they able to still communicate?  How are they still here?

These are they questions that I try to use when I do an investigation.  This usually helps cover all basis when we are trying to figure out who's spirit (s) are still inhabiting a location.  Not always do we get the answers we are looking for and sometimes we get more than we expect. So if you have something in your home and you don't feel it's something bad (you will know trust me) then go ahead and start asking questions.  You may be surprised.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

ESP....Have it or not

This will be a very brief blog today but I would like to mention ESP.  I'm going to give just a quick example how this effects me.  I have alot of activity but this one has moved me beyond words.  About two weeks ago I kept getting these flashes in my "minds eye" of a girls face with long blond hair.  This sounds normal yes, but what I seen was disturbing.  The look of horror and distress in her eyes as well as her beautiful blond hair flying wildly as if she was being toss and turned uncontrollably.  Now the real scary part was I only seen these images when I was driving and had my two girls with me.  Was this a sign that I was going to be in an accident?  I took every precaution I could.  I drove slow, was really aware of other drivers and did the best I could to avoid any trouble.  Just a week ago a dear friend of mine lost his daughter in a horrific car accident.....and she was a young teenager with long blond hair!  Now this also plays into the whole thing; her aunt, my best friend died a couple of years ago.  So was this her way of  letting me know what was coming because she and I have communicated since her passing?  I had no clue if this had to do with this young lady because I didn't know her personally.  I had no idea these images were of her and what was to come but I do now.  When I read the description of the accident and how her car became air born twice and rolled and twisted I was sickened.  I'm always asking myself "why me" but I know I won't know until my time comes and goes.  Please comment with your ESP experiences if you have any.
Thanks for reading and God Speed.....

Friday, October 14, 2011

Ghostly Encounters

So how often are these encounters supposed to happen someone asks me.  Well to this question there is no concrete answer.  They happen as often as every day and as little as hardly ever.  I have recently gone a couple of months with nothing and just yesterday a dear friend of mine lost his daughter and once I found out the news I felt a strong presence from his sister that has passed a couple of years ago.  I felt that she was letting me know that her niece was with her and she was sad because of the death, but the girl was safe.  On my way to work (it's dark at this time) the story of the accident was on the radio and as soon as they started reporting the news of this accident there was a bright flash of light next to me on the seat of my truck.  What all this means I don't know.  It's the little things we sometimes dismiss that are those that had passed trying to communicate.  This has happened the last couple of days but can go now for weeks with nothing happening.  If something does happen you can be sure I am going to post it.  The good thing about this happening to me like it does allows me to have the information needed to write another book.   My first book titled Paranormal Adventures is soon to be out.  There is another in the works. 

Thanks for reading :)

Friday, May 27, 2011

Paranormal Status

This is my first blog regarding the paranormal world and there is way too much to post without over doing it so I'm going to start small.  I've been thrown into the paranormal world with my own experiences right after my uncle passed away.  Since the "conversation" I had with my uncle I have experienced many encounters with those have passed whether I knew them or not.  Anything from making their presence known to asking for some type of help.  I have also done quite a few investigations collecting tons of evidence as well as seeing apparitions, hearing noises, voices and other unkown sounds, being touched and even so much as being "taken over" for approx. 1/2 hour. 

Like I said, this is my first blog and will have many more to follow.  I wanted to start my blogs with a very general description of what my intentions are.  If there is something in particular you would like to know about or need advice with please let me know.  I have my own paranormal investigation group and have fair knowledge of most "ghostly" subjects.

May the unknown be known,
